About this blog

This blog is about honesty.

I'm always unsure about how to describe myself. It's never an easy affair to sum up your entire being in a few words. There is the anxiousness of trying to get those few words right but also the vulnerability of opening yourself up to the world. To be judged by people you're never met.

This blog is about exploration.

My take on the saying "life is a journey" is quite simple. I believe you do what you can with what you have. This is not to look back and have a completed checklist of sorts. It's to be able to enjoy every moment we have and not spend it with "I should've...", "I could've..." or "I would've...".

This blog is about discovery.

As I go about my own journey I hope to connect with others. It's at those intersection points that the greatest things happen and it's reason enough to announce the events of my life to world from the most precious moments to the ordinary actions.

This blog is about interaction.

I read every email and every comment. Feedback is always great but it's the natural conversations that quickly become priceless.

The contents of this blog are created for a school project. The events described are fictitious and every image displayed uses a Creative Commons license.

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